Kate Schaefers, Ph.D.
Consultant | Coach | Psychologist | Educator
"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."
John F. Kennedy
I bring a background in psychology, human resources, adult education, and career development to my work. I take a holistic approach to working with clients, and build solutions that meld insight, focus, and action.
Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Iowa State University
M.A, Psychology, University of Minnesota
12+ years experience in human resources
Adjunct faculty at University of St. Thomas, in the HR and Change Leadership Program and the Graduate School of Professional Psychology
Community Involvement
I am committed to giving back to the community, and am involved locally and nationally with nonprofit and professional organizations.
Executive Council of AARP-MN, an advocacy organization serving over 650,000 members age 50+ statewide, bringing a perspective of meaningful work in the second half of life to this role.
Founding board member of SHIFT, a community based nonprofit with a mission of helping people at midlife and beyond connect with meaningful work.
Contributor to the Encore Network, a community of change leaders paving the way to Encore careers.
Member and local leader for the Life Planning Network, a nonprofit organization for professionals from a range of fields with a common passion for positive aging and engagement in the second half of life.
Past president of Minnesota Career Development Association and a recipient of the Jules Kerlan Outstanding Achievement Award for contributions in the field of career development.
I have authored a number of articles on a variety of topics, listed here.